This really isn't Day One, Eevee and I (Harmony, the creator of this blog in which I shall spill all my secrets too) have been working on this project for two months now.
I'd just like to say this is for myself, to track how insane I turn from revisions, to editing, to line-edits, to preparing a query, to spazzing, to sending, and everything that might go beyond that.
It isn't the longest we've worked on something, we were on the Wings Saga (insert shudder here) on over 6 months until we realized it was complete and utter crap and what the hell were we doing. Ehh, but you know it gets a few tries to get it right, right? YEAH, LIKE 7. 7 novels before we found the right one which is now project number 8 i've had with my lovely (emo/evil) co-writer.
This was the long, perilous journey of fail:
Project one: Butterfly Wings. 60,000 words. Status: UTTER, COMPLETE PURE CRAP. Shall never be touched again besides to read and mock it.
Project two: Sequel to Wings: Pixie Wings (EVEN THE TITLE IS FAIL) 85,000 words. Status: Same as the first
Project three: (told you it was a saga) Hidden Wings. 110,000 words (of fail) Status: a freakin' fluff cloud. Oh and it's crap.
Project four: (thank god this is the last one) Choosing Wings. 90,000 words. Status: Just....just no.
Project five: A Siren's Song.
OH MY GOD, this one was the troublesome one. With the Wings Saga we flowed through, never stopping regardless of the suckiness but we were smarter now. So we finished it the first time and finished at 60,000 words and said: Wow, that was really big crap. So we wrote it over again. Still crap (better crap than Wings though)
Project six: Sequel to Siren's Song. We tried naming it Banshee's Cry, but that kinda failed. We stopped writing this at 50,000 words because it wasn't good. It was sucking. So our logic was that, maybe if we took a break from writing about Scarlett and Darrian and Shawn for a while, we'd get out game back. So then, this was created:
Project seven: Dark Vampire Story. Words: 58,000 words. Status: Yeah, it never got a name. And YES, we stooped down to writing about vampires. I was ashamed. But you know what? I'm still particularly fond of this one and when everything is done with Winterlands (current project), I think i'd like to go back and take a look at this. I am fond of both the main characters (this was also set in Russia, old times, which I love love love)
Then we went back to Siren Song 2 and wrote some more and realized it wasn't that we needed a break from the character, it was that the first one SUCKED so much, we couldn't write a not-sucky second book.
So you know what we did? WE REWROTE SIREN SONG A THIRD TIME. And the second rewrite, we changed the setting but left the plot and characters alone. We completely changed this one, changed everything except the three main characters. And you know what? I actually LIKED the plot. I dig Arranged Marriages. But we got 30,000 words in and we realized it wasn't the plot that needed fixing, nor the setting, nor anything. It was just that these characters were old, flat, boring. They had lost there favor. So we decided TO NEVER LOOK AT IT AGAIN. Yeah, we tend to do that.
My lover: PROJECT EIGHT. 53,000 words. Status: Being revised. This is the first time we've never gotten past the: Wow, this sucks majorly : stage. AND I LOVE THIS BOOK. So, so much. It's my baby. My very crappy, awesome, wonderful baby. Baby named Winterlands, weird.
That is pretty much it. Peace out.
-Harmony B.
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